Maan Development and Training Association


The vision of Maan-Data is to build a center for development and training of skills and knowledge to prevent.


The mission of the Maan-Data is to build the intelligence of people and organizations to achieve their goals,


Future goals include expanding our programs and services to reach different populations,

About us

MAAN Development and Training Association (Maan-Data) is an association that aims to enhance modern skills and intelligence of individuals, whether in private or governmental institutions. provides brain-building trainings, courses, and lectures, including lessons in leadership, social affairs, economics, and modern governance




  • Mode: Offline
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Registration fee: $5
  • Theory: Yes
  • Practical: Yes
  • Certificate: Yes
  • Internship: No

Basic Nurses


  • Mode: Offline
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Registration fee: $5
  • Theory: Yes
  • Practical: Yes
  • Certificate: Yes
  • Internship: No



  • Mode: Offline
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Registration fee: $5
  • Theory: Yes
  • Practical: Yes
  • Certificate: Yes
  • Internship: No

Our Team

Abdirahman Abubakar Yusuf


Ayni Mohamed Abdullahi


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